PERMATANG PAUH, May 6 – People’s Justice Party (PKR) congratulated the President of PAS, Datuk Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang on the results of parliamentary elections Rompin yesterday, which gave a clear signal that support for Pakatan Rakyat, stay with us.

Justice also congratulate the PAS candidate, Ustaz Ahmad Nazri, all leaders and election machinery that has worked hard to maintain the support of the voters Rompin to PAS. The reasonable success since thankful and proud at the 2013 general election, PAS won 14,926 votes and the votes obtained this time is 14.901 which was almost the same as the GE-13 ago.

BN versa, achievements declined as the number of votes obtained their candidates this time was 23,796 votes against 30.040 votes obtained in the last general election. Percentage gap reduction and an overwhelming majority of votes, giving a clear signal that, most of the BN own supporters, especially those in rural areas have lost faith in Umno and BN.

While on the campaign trail is CRM Rompin, BN promises of aid and development to the millions of dollars, but it is not able to boost their support. There is no doubt that the implementation of the GST that victimize the people, where Umno members and supporters also feel the pinch.

On average people, especially the Malays in rural and low income areas Felda so impressed and suffer with rising prices as a result of the GST. Pakatan Rakyat had to go forward with this momentum as we are sure that the majority of people support our cause.

God willing, we hope, our success in maintaining support for Rompin, with the commitment of the people to reject bribery BN in every election, will be translated into votes for candidates representing JUSTICE PR in the constituency tomorrow. Pakatan Rakyat must remain steadfast in defending the welfare of the people. We will continue to concerned with the trust of the people and execute people as possible, God willing.

Pocket News

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