GEORGE TOWN, April 23 – The recent incident involving rock blasting operations at Bukit Hijau by Consortium Zenith Construction Sdn Bhd (CZC) that resulted in damage to three cars at the Jay Series Condominium in Penang has sparked criticism towards the Department of Environment (DOE). Critics argue that the incident showcases the DOE’s failure to monitor construction works effectively and ensure compliance with project conditions. Critics argue that while the DOE sets conditions for projects, its primary responsibility lies in monitoring and ensuring strict adherence to these conditions.

They assert that the DOE’s reliance on self-regulation, wherein developers and their consultants submit periodic reports, is inadequate and often fails to uncover instances of non-compliance. Calls have been made for stricter enforcement measures, including holding construction company directors and consultants accountable through legal action, rather than relying solely on monetary penalties which are deemed ineffective in promoting adherence to regulations.

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